Last Round - 60" x 36"

Inspiration for a picture can come at any time, any place – from sitting at a red light to sitting in front of the TV. I never know when and what is going to sideswipe me with a little voice screaming, “must paint that image in head NOW.”
However, I do have a favorite place to conjure up all sorts of visual inspiration - an aisle seat at Ruth Eckerd Hall listening to the Florida Orchestra. It’s live, it’s vivid, it’s here and now- violin bows frantically attacking strings, an oboe crying in the night, or my favorite (see previous blog post) a cowbell peeking up from the percussionist row, a drum stick hovering over it, to be whacked at the exact moment in the score. Ahhh, heaven.
I sit quietly in my seat sketching head-busting visualizations in my tiny notebook. (In actuality, I really want to stand in the back row, slopping paint on large canvases to the music.) When the concert is over, I go home refreshed, renewed, and ready for the week ahead with new inspiration.
Most of the time, I don’t review my orchestra sketches: It’s over, done, move on to something else – oh, a reflection shows up in a painting down the road. But this picture begged to be painted. I pounded nails into my backyard fence, hung a 5’x3’ canvas; dragged brushes, paints, water out into the heat and humidity and started slopping on the acrylics. My neighbors must have thought I was nuts.
The result was this image. Title: “Golijov Last Round; Law & Order-Wm. Running …. Through Central Park” Now it’s your turn to visualize what it all means.
And maybe you’ll see me this upcoming season. I’ll be on the aisle hovering over a sketch book. That is unless they let me stand in the back row with paints, brushes, canvas, and of course, a drop cloth. Or maybe the Florida Orchestra needs a professional cow bell player – then I’ll be in percussionist row with a cowbell and drum stick in hand.

24th Annual Cool Show!!

24th Annual Cool Show
St. Pete Coliseum
July 21 & 22
10 am - 5 pm
Free Parking
Free Admittance
Air Conditioned!

2Cool Show this weekend

Saturday & Sunday 10 am - 5 pm, See you at Booth 9

Cool Show coming up

Yikes! The Cool Show is only 5 days away. See you there, Booth 57.

Getting Ready for Artistic Tastings

"Egads, Where's Adam?" - all boxed up and ready to take to Artistic Tastings this Friday.

Artist's Market - March 27 & 28

Getting ready for the Artist Market at Leepa Rattner Museum this weekend.

Going to Illinois

Tu jest przyjemny widok was juried in to the 23rd Annual Women's Works Exhibit at the Old Court House Arts Center in Woodstock, Illinois, March 3 - May 1.