Do They Still Play the Blues in Chicago?

It was a Chicago day in Florida – dark grey skies, all day drizzle, and miserably cold. A large pot of chili was simmering on the stove, a Wrigley Field cam was streaming live on the computer’s desktop, and Steve Goodman asking if “they still play the blues in Chicago” was coming from the stereo. Thoughts transported me to younger days of sitting behind third base, enjoying hot dogs, peanuts, and an occasional beer during a warm summer afternoon.

But the pouring rain on my studio roof brought me back to reality. It was way too cold and wet to take the dog for a walk and the chili wasn’t ready to eat yet, so out came the paints, brushes, canvas and this resulting image.


Lorraine Ulen said...

Some of the best things come out of a rainy day - like this painting! Love it!

Unknown said...

Nice job, BKH,
Wrigley Field looks like one of those old timey ball parks. Hope they don't tear it down or put a roof on it.